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Blue Ribbon Farm

Garden Center in Longmont, Colorado

Growing for you since 1992

A Family Owned Garden Center in Longmont, Colorado.

  • In the spring we offer quality bedding plants, starts for the garden, and potting soil.

  • As an outdoor garden center, we typically open to the public around the first weekend of May, with the selection increasing as warm weather becomes more stable.

We specialize in fresh Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, and Christmas tree stands. Our crew is here to assist with everything from decision making to securing your tree on your car. Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, and more available after Thanksgiving.

Updates can be found below, across our social media, and via our email distribution. 

Updates from the Farm

Early season soil pickups are now available! Click to set up a pickup appointment.

Read about the different potting soils we offer <HERE>.

We are closed until the spring season. See you in May!

Thank you for shopping our small business.


Open to the public as a garden center in May and June and after Thanksgiving until Christmas. Weather permitting.

Check back for season opening updates.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and patience.

Early season potting soil pickup is available.

Our Christmas Trees

We source our trees from family farms where they grow best.

Trees are opened and placed on display continually, as needed. 

All greenhouses are closed to the public during Christmas season.

Christmas tree varieties are listed on the shop page.

Delivery is available.

Our Garden Center

We grow quality bedding plants. Annuals, perennials, veggies and herbs. Hanging baskets and potting soil.

The first greenhouse is typically open to the public. Everything else is outside in the corral.

We grow most of what we sell. Growing begins in February.

Opening day is typically the weekend around May 1. Check back for updates.

Blue Ribbon Farm

Christmas Trees 2 ft to 20 ft

Charlie Browns to Perfecta, 7+ Varieties

Wreaths, garland, stands & more